Friday, February 16, 2007

chalklit pyhe II

yes. yes, i know. i'm not a constant poster.

you people are gonna have to deal with that.

while i've probably lost most of my modestly sized audience, i figure i can start up again, and attempt to post a bit more frequently.

i really can't cover everything that's happened in the last few months...and more tragically, i don't have the ability to make an 80s workout-style montage to show you how it all went down.

here's a brief summary: had party. took new job. worked at new job. worked at new job. worked at new job. saw the party dream at the knitting factory. worked at new job. finished my kegerator. worked at new job. worked at job. worked at job. finished and submitted thesis. worked at job. went to beer fest. turned 25. worked at job.

there was a lot in between (drank beers, got confused by girls, rehabbed my knee, etc), but there's no point in really analyzing the past now, is there?

i guess it's time for a few thoughts, then i need to find something to do on this boring friday afternoon:

-being a Master of Arts is nothing like being a Master of the Universe. though i do like shouting "By the power of Grey Skull!!!" while I'm on the NJ transit. i would thrust my claymore into the air upon saying this, but someone at my party broke it while trying to throw it into the ground like in Braveheart. well done.

-speaking of Masters of the Universe:

-the awesomeness of a thesis is directly proportional to how much of the title is a reference to a great movie. similarly, the perceived validity of a thesis is inversely proportional to said title's references.

-my thesis is officially called, "This one goes to eleven..." it is now a published reference at the McGill University library. i win.

-i need to go on a beer run badly. all i have in my house are party the fridge, just the kegerator, just an old keg of Bud. this is pathetic.

-i am appalled that i heard a good friend of mine actually say that SAW II was a good horror movie. really? really?? really.

-the human voice can truly mystify at times. it can touch, it can sway, it can float. sometimes it just clicks.

that's all for now, kiddies. i hope to be back sometime soon. same channel...who knows what time?