Thursday, February 09, 2006


the date has been decided. the propaganda has begun. name suggestions are coming in.


for those who do not know what i'm talking about, i am planning one of the longer, more insane, more "crazy-go-nuts" parties in the existence of Team Beerz. we're talking kegs, flip cup tournaments, dizzy bat races, bottles of nighttrain, irish carbombs, beer pong, fireworks, cards, beer bongs, keg stands, NO garvs (or greg), and so much more. i have been in the planning phase for about a month now, and there is much more to come. this post is to officially announce the date. the party will be at my house in NJ and begin on thursday, april 27th. now, i know a lot of you will not be able to make it down for that night, but stay with me here...the party starts on thursday at a level of about DEFCON 4. as friday rolls around, more people (the mature, working fools) will begin to show up. this day/evening will escalate to about DEFCON 3 or, if things go as planned, DEFCON 2. as the sun rises on saturday, all hell will being to break loose...kegs & eggs leading into a Team Beerz reunion football game in my front yard leading into a party of truly epic proportions (DEFCON 1), during which the local officials might send in the national guard. then, as we drink with the sun rising, sunday will approach. sunday is a time during which a lot of working folks will have to leave, but those who wish to stay will continue the party (cause drinking on sunday just has that "je ne sais quoi"). it will obviously be less powerful than saturday, but fucking great nonetheless. finally, as monday comes, we will have one last hurrah. a night to close out the 5-day event. not necessarily with a bang, but with a solid attitude reminiscent of college times past.

there is one goal for this party. reunite everyone. and i mean everyone. the Media people. the Tamaqua people. the (insert weird rural PA town where some friends live) people. oh yeah...and get everyone BLITZED. once all these people come together, we will have some other folks, a few from montreal, a few from NJ, a few from other parts of PA, etc. though, let me stress again...NO GARVS. we don't need those fucks sucking down our beer and stealing shit from my house.

I'm still unsure how deep into the ol' penn state crowd this is going to go, but my only hope is that all of the original group (and you know who you are) will sign on as soon as possible. this isn't a wedding, so i'm not sending out invitations or any shit like that, but i'm going to be talking to each and every one of you people to ensure your presence.

so. here's the info to remember:

Thursday, April 27th: Kickoff Thursday
Friday, April 28th: Night Train to Insanity
Saturday, April 29th: Welcome to the Thunderdome, bitches.
Sunday, April 30th: Easy Like a Sunday Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night
Monday, May 1st: This is the End, Beautiful Friend

at my house in NJ. i'm not putting an address up for obvious reasons. if you need it, you'll know it by the time the party starts. as for accomodations, there is plenty of room at my house for everyone to crash. there are places to park. there will be food. and blankets. therefore, there will be absolutely no driving home until the morning after some sleep.

look above.

well. i'm pumped. and the end of this post is imminent. if anyone has any questions, suggestions, and/or demands about the event, comment here, IM me, or email me at

the countdown has begun. look to your right -->


Dave Jaffer said...


i looked to my right -

and there was NOTHING there.

i hate you.


- d.

Anonymous said...

any chance i'll get it wet?
ps. i heart to spoon...

Anonymous said...

I will throw up on the nicest thing you own.

love, pang diesel

Anonymous said...

haha I LOVE the countdown!

see you saturday at Bru!! :)

jenny said...

unlike anonymous above, i'll do my best to throw up in the bushes (a classy lady, make no mistake). but i will puke. no doubt about that.

by hook or by crook, i'll find my way to jersey for saturday. it'll be an overnighter, but well worth it.

happy birthday you fucker.

BRU baby

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the last session of my night class is on the 27th. If I have to, I'll piss on my professor's attendence logbook to ensure my timely arrival. Better reinforce the fucking sheetrock, dude.

Anonymous said...

I can't make any promises as I now have a real job, but I'll do my best to be there so bomz can get it wet.