Thursday, November 09, 2006

sir spam-a-lot

bowling of it annoying chess atom. America grits .bestows burly the truce but bear with buzzard .A the feverishly seduce accidentally with a takes? judge real theater chestnut. mating ruminates, hydrogen pit are. power recorder. rejoices, lesson to bullfrog snooty around about. freezing goes a you escape lot. by righteous. snack a accurately a mastadon takes recorder. the and bear the hesitates. a tornado scooby the finds secretly, subtle saw drunk, wedge flatulent minivan but into ridiculously power razor a cab. mitochondrial The upon freezing fire mastadon, nagging satellite, Most The saw annoying. knows a.

-this was the first paragraph of a four paragraph spam email i got today. damn. whoever wrote this, i want their drugs. i know...i one "wrote" it, it was generated by some algorithm. but, to what end? in the middle of the meandering ramblings of this "turned-on, tuned-in, dropped-out" text generator, there was an ad for a vibrating cock ring. i just can't imagine that anyone would:

a) start reading the email, and think: "yeah, i've always thought that mastodons accurately take recorders".
b) see the cock ring ad in the middle of such incoherent babble, and think "i did always need a vibrating cock ring...why not now?".
c) think a and b simultaneously.

while option c would most likely make someone's head explode like the people in Scanners, i'm sure some people have succumbed to spam such as this. now, i have nothing against vibrating cock rings, but these people voted for Hubert Humphrey. and they killed Jesus.

another puzzler about this and so much other spam: it's not even fucking addressed to me! the address in the "To:" field is'm not sure, and correct me if i'm wrong, but my name is not patrick zwietering. i'm an IT person, so i should know the answer to this, but i just can't figure it out...and my brain hurts when i try.

what someone really should do is turn this spam into a social experiment. take one of these emails, bring it to a poetry night at your local "i'm not sure if i'm goth or hippie" coffee joints, and read it. 100 bucks says you get applause. or snaps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

snaps. definitely snaps.

that's hilarious. I wish my spam was that exciting.

and if you ever find them, enjoy the drugs.

miss you! when are you visiting next?!